The Faculty Interview Process Demystified - Get the Clarity and Confidence You Need to Ace Your Faculty Interview

mock up with workbook pages, video, and agenda

You can't Control the Outcome. So, what CAN you control?

Here’s the Deal…

The faculty interview process is notoriously complex. It’s common to be uncertain even after you’ve been through it because there’s little feedback about the impression you made. 

You can control your preparation, how you present yourself, and the confidence you feel.

This is where the Faculty Interview Demystified can help.

I provide you with:

  • Insider information from the search committee perspective 
  • The purpose, topics, and people involved in each part of the interview process
  • Strategies for how to stand out 
  • Answers to your burning questions

During this Training You'll Learn:

I’m Dr. Kimberly J Hale. I’m an academic who studies working in higher education in the United States. So, supporting early career faculty is my jam!


More importantly…

I’ve served on over a dozen search committees working with my colleagues to narrow the applicant pool, and make an offer to the final candidate.

Kimberly - grey haired woman with big smile because life is good.

This Training is for you if you want to...

Here's what one of my clients had to say...

I began working with Kimberly while entering the job market. Our coaching sessions helped me in prioritizing and gaining clarity on my goals. Most importantly, they boosted my self-confidence and belief in my abilities, leading me to successfully secure a position! I highly recommend working with Kimberly!

You want to increase your clarity, confidence, and chances of landing an academic job.
You can! For just $35.

Here’s what you’ll get for your $35.

  • Workshop recording in ASL, English, and with captions
  • Worksheet to help you implement strategies for your interview 
  • Access to my Faculty Success Center, a private Slack community
  • 1 Slack DM “ask me anything” session

Still wondering about something? Don't worry I've got you!

Yes and no. Have you asked them yet for this type of support? That’s what I thought! 

If you’re going to ask your advisor for support, wouldn’t you rather start with some information so you can go deep on what you need?

Finally, the client I quoted above had a very involved and supportive advisor. Our work together was still supportive of her reaching her goals.

No, There are so many factors that go into the hiring process. Often those factors are outside of what the candidate can control. So, I can’t promise you’ll get an offer. 

I do not offer refunds for digital products because you receive immediate access. 

Once you purchase you’ll receive an email with all of the information you need to access the course platform.

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