Take this informative (and a little fun), 2-minute quiz to uncover your unique faculty type!

Are you an grounded Oak Tree, a high-energy Octopus, or a thoughtful Owl? Maybe you’re more of an Fawn, striving to maintain calm amidst the chaos. Discover which of these faculty types best matches your style, work habits, and approach to managing stress.

Not only is this quiz insightful, but after you complete it, you’ll receive personalized tips and resources to leverage your strengths and overcome your unique challenges. Get ready to unlock your superpowers!

Each faculty type has strengths and opportunities for growth. In your results you’ll receive recommendations to help you succeed. Then in a follow-up email sequence you’ll receive specific suggestions for tools, resources, and materials that can help you succeed. (You can unsubscribe at any time).

Take the quiz now to find out your unique faculty type, and how you can leverage your strengths and mitigate your opportunities for growth!

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