Don't Let your Goals Melt Away in the heat!

The Intentional Summer Planning session is your guide to a relaxing and productive summer.

Remember those lazy Summer days of childhood?

Time seemed endless.

As faculty membrs our summers are packed with tasks we’ve been putting off during the academic year.


We start with high hopes of accomplishing everything on our list and getting some much needed down time.

But at the end of the summer we’re often left exhausted and with projects left undone.

Don’t worry! It’s not all doom and gloom. 

The key is finding balance – easier said than done right? 

But consider this: if you’re feeling overwhelmed by your workload or struggling with productivity, it’s likely because you’re trying to juggle too much at once. 


Let’s work together through the Intentional Summer Planning program to create a roadmap for success that aligns with your individual needs and priorities. 


Trust me; it will make all the difference!

JOIN for just $15 Register by 8:45 Central 5/13

Kimberly - grey haired woman with big smile because life is good.

Hi! I'm Kimberly - former overwhelmed, exhausted faculty member!

You know, there was a time when summer used to feel like a marathon for me. Between juggling research, planning for the new academic year, and trying to squeeze in some rest, I often found myself overwhelmed and, honestly, more exhausted at the end of summer than I was at the start. I wanted so much out of my summer and realized that to reach the end feeling refreshed and accomplished, I needed a plan. And I had a hunch that you might need one too!

So, I created the Intentional Summer Planning Webinar. Drawing from my experiences as an ICF trained coach and over 16 years as a faculty member, this webinar is designed to help you gain clarity and focus on your summer goals. The idea is not just about ticking off tasks from a list but to intentionally set goals that align with what you want your summer to look like. Whether it’s finally starting on that research paper or taking that well-deserved break, this plan is about making your summer work for you.

Through the years, this approach has not only helped me make significant progress over the summers but also start each academic year recharged and ready. 

Remember, it’s not about fitting everything into your summer; it’s about fitting your summer around what matters most to you. Here’s to an intentional, fulfilling summer!

Are you...

Then this workshop is for you!

Transform your summer

The secret to a fruitful summer lies in intentional planning. Join us on this transformative journey where we’ll explore how to maximize your productivity without compromising on downtime. Let’s make this summer one you’ll remember fondly as the turning point of your career!

Join me for a 90 minute Planning Workshop

Monday, May 13, 2024


9:00 AM Central ASL Webinar

11:00 AM Central English Webinar

In the webinar you’ll


Sign up for the Webinar today!

Stop stressing and start planning your best summer yet!

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