Ever feel like the requests (ahem...demands) for your time and energy are never ending?
You're right! They are never ending ...that's why I'm excited to offer this workshop - Say No Without Ruining your Faculty Career!
I’ve been a faculty member for well over a decade and I’ve had my share of working nights and weekends just to keep up before I realized…I had to say no to some things if I wanted reappointment, tenure, and promotion.
I don’t want you to take years to learn what I learned.
We'll cover
When to say no and how to say no without
- burning bridges,
- getting entangled in power struggles, or
- jeopardizing your chances for reappointment, tenure, and promotion.
The goal is to say no so that you can prioritize your most important work without overwhelm and overwork.
- Why we need to say no
- Defining clear boundaries for when to say “yes”
- How to Stop the automatic “yes”
- Halting to carefully consider the option
- Scripts for saying No in multiple situations
- Getting Support and Reinforcement for Saying No
As soon as you finish the training (~ 1 hour) you’ll
👍 have strategies you can use for the very next request that comes in.
👍 be able to send that “no” in minutes by tweaking my templates.
👍 have a starting point for rules & boundaries for when to say yes (and no).
How Do I Watch the Training?
When you sign up you’ll get added to my course platform.
You can submit questions before the workshop goes live.
The workshop recording will drop on Saturday, March 9 at noon central. The recording will be available with (with ASL, English, and captions)
Thursday, March 14th, 1:00 PM – 3:00 PM, I’m hosting office hours to answer questions you have about how to apply the training to your specific situation! Information about using Telegram will be inside the course platform.
You’ll keep access to this for life. You’ll also get every revision or update to the training for life.
if you're like the other faculty I know...
You need this training!
Every early career faculty member worries “if I say no it’ll hurt my tenure case.”
This isn’t true!
My research shows that insufficient publication record is what usually sinks tenure dreams.
I don’t want you to have to worry about every little decision you make, and I don’t want you to be overworked and overwhelmed by requests that you didn’t need to say yes to.
All this for $30
Sometimes when you sign up for a training, you end up with a little bit of content and a lot of pitch to join another paid program or purchase another offer. I’m not doing that with this training.
The only pitch I’m making in this training is an encouragement to hone your “no” muscles.