We all know grad school doesn’t prepare you to be an excellent faculty member. I’ve curated a list of 6 books that were instrumental in helping me become an effective teacher. You can enhance your college teaching with these 6 books.

Watch the video to learn about why I recommend each book.

6 Must Read Books for College Faculty

Radical candor

Radical Candor by Kim Scott – a book about how to be honest and direct with feedback so that people know what you want and can course correct.

Radical Candor cover

The Butterfly Cage

The Butterfly Cage by Rachel Zemach – a memoir. A Deaf person finds her identity amidst a Deaf education program in California. Heartbreaking, enraging, and enthralling.

Grading For Growth

Grading for Growth by David Clark and Robert Talbert – explains why traditional point based systems aren’t great for student learning. Loads of ideas for how to make changes. – small or large – to improve how teaching and learning work in higher education.

Flipped Learning: A Guide for Higher Education Faculty by Robert Talbert – step by step guide for creating course activities that makes the best use in and out of class time.

Specifications Grading

Specifications Grading by Linda Nilson – a deep dive into specifications grading and how to implement it.

Understanding by Design

Understanding by Design by Wiggins & McTighe – a thorough introduction into backward design principles. You can use it to build a course (or program) backwards. Start from the outcome you want and build back to the specific assignments and class activities.

Learning that Matters

Learning that Matters by Zehnder and colleagues – a book about how to go beyond teaching your course content to teaching your students by meeting them where they are and building your course in ways to support their learning.

Want even more support in the faculty life?

Here are some of the key ways I support faculty.